
how big do mystery snails get

Ultimate Gilt Inca Snail Care: Eggs, Feeding, Size, Lifespan

Gilded Inca snails are besides known as the Gilded Mystery Snail, Golden Mystery Snail, Golden Inca Snail, Golden Snail, Yellow Snail, or Inca Snail. These freshwater aquarium snails have yellow-gold shells and an off-white body. Near the rima oris, in that location are usually orangish spots. There are also orangish rings effectually the eyes and stripes about the siphon.

Care Level: Beginner
Temperament: Calm
Lifespan: One Yr
Size: 3 Inches
Nutrition: Herbivore
Family: Ampullariidae
Minimum Tank Size: 5 Gallon
Tank Fix-Up: Moderate Vegetation, Adaptable
Compatibility: Community Tanks
Species Overview

Gilt Inca Snail Pictures


These yellow freshwater snails come in a broad variety of colors. For example, gold, black, brown, and ivory. Inca snails accept banded, graduated, or solid-colored shells. The snail'due south foot and head are usually ivory-white.

Inca snail's shell forms a spiral whorl with the apex to the side of their opening or aperture. Adult Golden Mystery snails have around 4 whorls. The shell roll should be smooth-ish in texture from the noon to above the mantel.

Similar most snails, they have an operculum. When they sense danger, they hide in their shells and close the operculum. In healthy snails, the operculum closes completely. When the snail dies, the operculum falls off. In sick snails, the operculum hangs open.

These snails have two long tentacles on their head. They use these tentacles to search for nutrient and find their way around. Their optics are behind the tentacles. Apple tree snails accept structurally circuitous eyes and tin can regenerate the eye completely afterward amputation.

They accept a second set up of tentacles underneath the first pair. The 2d pair is nigh the mouth and the Inca snail uses these to eat. On the left side of the snail's head is a siphon that the snail uses to draw h2o through its gills.


Golden Inca Snails are peaceful creatures. Most of the time they are grazing algae that grow in the tank. When they feel threatened they hibernate in their shell.


Adult Gilded Mystery Snails are bigger than almost other aquarium snails. They can grow up to iii inches in size. In the store, they are usually ane inch in size.


The boilerplate lifespan of a Gold Inca Snail is about i year. Under proper h2o conditions and a salubrious diet, the snail tin live for a bit longer.


Inca Snails are scavengers and will swallow almost edible materials institute in the aquarium. They eat soft algae only won't eat hard algae similar Greenish Spot Algae.

They eat fish food, algae wafers, and decomposable establish affair. A mixture of naturally occurring food and fish food is best for their diet.

Gold Mystery Snails tin can also eat blanched vegetables like cucumbers, broccoli, and lettuce. If feeding with vegetables, don't exit uneaten vegetables in the fish tank for more than a day.

Tank Mates

Freshwater aquarium fish like:

  • Cory Catfish
  • Otocinclus Catfish
  • Baby Guppies

Other Snails:

  • Nerite Snails
  • Gold Inca Snails
  • Ivory Snails
  • Mystery Snails
  • Trumpet Snails

Some species of aquarium shrimp:

  • Bamboo Shrimp
  • Amano Shrimp
  • Ghost Shrimp
  • Red Scarlet Shrimp
  • Vampire Shrimp

Avoid Goldfish and cichlids similar the Jack Dempsey as these fish can attack or nip at the snail. They can likewise eat the snail.

Tank Size

Gold Inca Snail thrive in established tanks, big in size, and water volume to support their size. As far as the actual aquarium size, Gold Inca Snails can alive in small tanks between five-10 gallons or in larger tanks. Of form, the more fish, plants, snails, etc. in the tank, the larger information technology needs to be.

Water Conditions

A Gilt Inca Snail does well in a wide range of aquarium h2o weather. Try to aim for moderately moving, clear, oxygen-rich water (if only for aesthetics):

  • Aquarium pH: 7.2 – seven.5.
  • H2o Temperature: 68 – 82 Degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Hardness & Minerals: Hard, supplement with calcium.
  • Lighting: Normal aquarium lighting.

Keep Inca snails in aquarium water on the difficult side, with enough calcium levels to maintain healthy vanquish growth. The shell should not be thin or have excessive cracks or pits. Thin, cracked, or pitted shells can mean a calcium deficiency. In this example, periodic calcium supplements may exist necessary.

Things To Consider

How To Buy Healthy Gold Inca Snails

When buying Gold Inca Snails be sure that there aren't whatsoever cracks in the shell. In that location should not be any signs of article of clothing and tear on the crush. Do not buy snails that are in tanks with other expressionless snails or dead fish.

The snail should be stuck to a hard surface or crawling on a hard surface. Practise not purchase a Gold Inca Snail that is motionless at the bottom of a tank or 1 that is floating upside down. Check the snail to make sure that information technology has its eyes and tentacles.

Live Plants

With live aquarium plants, it's a hit or miss. There are instances where Gold Inca Snails eat live plants, but nigh alive aquarium plants are safe then long as the snail is well fed.

If y'all are concerned nearly Inca snails eating your aquarium plants, choose plants with stiff leaves. For instance, Anubias Barteri or Amazon Sword.

Sometimes, the snail may adopt to swallow live plants, and in this case, in that location's nothing you lot can do about it unless you choose to remove the snail from the tank.


There needs to be a male person and female Aureate Inca snail to mate. Once the female person is ready to lay eggs, she moves to the summit of the tank to lay her eggs above or nigh the surface of the water. They lay their eggs in a cocoon-like structure that's visible and easy to get rid of if you lot do non want baby snails.

Golden Inca snail laying eggs.
Aureate Inca snail eggs.

Ofttimes Asked Questions

What do Gilt Inca snails eat?

Gold Inca Snails consume naturally grown edible thing. Yet, snails may not survive on naturally grown algae in an aquarium so supplement their diet with supplements like fish nutrient, bottom feeder pellets, and algae wafers.

How big do golden mystery snails go?

Gold Inca snails are quite large every bit adults, growing upwardly to iii inches in bore.

Do gold Inca snails breed?

Breeding and reproduction: Unlike some snail that tin can reproduce asexually, Gold Inca snails need one snail of each sex to reproduce.


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  • Golden Mystery Snail Patrols The Aquarium – Video
  • Investigations of a Growth-Inhibiting Substance Affecting a Natural Population of Freshwater Snails | Physiological Zoology: Vol 36, No 2
  • The Gastropoda
  • Apple Snail Wellness Problems and Solutions | Parasitism | Water Purification
  • Prove of oligogenic sex determination in the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata
  • Pomacea bridgesii – Wikipedia



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