
When Did You Get A Positive Pregnancy Test

When did YOU get a positive pregnancy examination?

(41 Posts)

WishingIWasLucky Friday 30-Sep-11 11:fifty:32

am on cd 23 of a 25 24-hour interval cycle. Did dtd at right times this month-rare occurrence. Preg test negative this morning. Is that to be trusted or was that but too early? All replies welcome. Need your personal experiences please ladies. Thanks smile

kat2504 Fri xxx-Sep-11 11:55:54

All tests taken less than 2 weeks after ovulation are not necessarily to exist trusted. Your bicycle length does not tell you when you ovulated this month.
Personally, I accept had positive results at least 2 days before my period every time I have been pregnant, using Outset Response tests.

WishingIWasLucky Fri 30-Sep-11 eleven:59:thirteen

Thanks kat. Congratulations thanks. I used a superdrug i. No nearer to the truth then! Suspect non, simply needed to exist sure- before I had a actually booze filled weekend. Will stick to a minor glass of vino just to be safe then!

kat2504 Friday 30-Sep-11 12:09:20

Superdrug are usually good early. If you retrieve you are 12dpo or more then of course you are still in with a take chances until proven otherwise past your period, but I'd peradventure let yourself take ii glasses of vino. Best style to brand sure you get a positive result is to get drunk the day before.

WishingIWasLucky Fri xxx-Sep-11 12:23:10

featherbag Fri 30-Sep-11 12:23:forty

I got my BFP the day before my menstruum was due - was on night shift and bored, really didn't await information technology to be positive as has had AF-blazon cramps for four days but as I had easy admission to tests I thought I might likewise do one! Got the shock of my life when it was positive!

Superdrug ones are unremarkably very sensitive - it's not the cost of the test that matters, it'due south how sensitive they are. I think sensitivity runs from 20-100mlU/ml with 20 being most sensitive, and as far as I remember Superdrug tests have a sensitivity of 25mlU/ml and then are quite expert! I'd test again on Monday if AF hasn't arrived. And I'd go pissed this weekend.

WishingIWasLucky Friday xxx-Sep-11 12:25:07

I am 12dpo today. But if i was pregnant and then test would have picked up on that now wouldn't it?

WishingIWasLucky Friday 30-Sep-11 12:27:32

Congratulations feathers! thanks.
Cheers for advice. Will restrain myself from gettun drunk though! Had a mc in march. Don't desire to practice anything to jeopardise another potential pregnancy. No dc yet, certain you'll understand smile

kat2504 Friday thirty-Sep-eleven 12:51:04

Well yep, I practise empathise. Have had two mc myself but decided I wouldn't spend 2 weeks per calendar month being "pre-pregnant". Non in the addiction of getting shit faced anyway though! But it is patently good for you anyway to cutting down on the booze when ttc then perhaps abnegation is the wise choice anyway!

Superdrug early tests are actually 10mui and are therefore pretty much as good as first response. I got a very obvious positive at 11dpo. But they are non 99% until your flow is due.
Distressing if it looks similar you are out this month, if then improve luck side by side month smile

PamBeesly Friday 30-Sep-11 12:53:48

I got mine the day my menses as due, I didn't actually trust it then tested the next day and nothing! I bought a Boots test the side by side twenty-four hours and information technology was a stiff positive. I hope you lot get your positive smile

MyMamaToldMe Fri 30-Sep-11 xiv:29:21

I tested two days after period was due using ClearBlue and got a stiff +. Good luck!!

my2centsis Friday thirty-Sep-11 21:55:40

i got a bpf i thought i was 4 weeks, but later found out i would of but been 3weeks and so i got a positive really early

Gemz1806 Sat 01-Oct-11 x:18:07

I as well got a bfp early, well-nigh 12 24-hour interval before my period was due. Don't know why I tested simply had a feeling. Everyone is different tho.

LikeACandleButNotQuite Sat 01-Oct-xi 10:57:40

I got my bfp the 24-hour interval earlier I was due, using a boots-ain cheapie. Spent the next three days at a theme park for my hen weekend, bricking it, equally it was too early to tell everyone. Gave the oblivion a miss and 'pretended' to drink.

theidsalright Sat 01-Oct-11 11:06:xv

I establish out 5 days before I was due my menses. I used some cheapo Boots test. I did i every day until my menstruation was due. They were all positive!

I really would not recommend testing this early on equally I spent the next five days (and then 12 weeks) waiting for something terrible to happen, but I only couldn't help my cocky at the time!

Yes, I am fairly neurotic wink

mildertduck Saturday 01-Oct-11 22:33:fourteen

I didn't get i until I was iii days late - all these 'test eversovery early' types picked upwardly diddly squat!

Tonksforthememories Sat 01-Oct-11 22:37:54

DD1 got a positive after a weekend abroad, just i ovulate really early and was about 4 weeks by and so. AF was due on the sunday.

DD2 was at least ii weeks late and all the same getting -ves. Same with DS, and i concieved him on day six of my cycle.

used2bthin Saturday 01-Oct-xi 23:17:34

on day 24 I got negative but dat day 25 a faint line and day 26 positive. I also have a shorter than 28 day wheel simply my body doesnt seem to work like that with pregnancy tests every bit tecnically I was due around the 24th day but it still didnt show up.

AgathaPinchBottom Sat 01-Oct-11 23:35:39

My test showed up equally negative (I took it effectually time my period was due) .... I causeless information technology was right and when my period had still not arrived iii weeks afterward, I took some other test and it said I was pregnant! Good luck

pinkypig Sun 02-October-11 fifteen:44:10

5 days before period simply the line was super faint.

cleanandclothed Sun 02-Oct-11 sixteen:19:22

I am in your position as well. Mc in July. Now on 11dpo and previously take tested positive at 10 dpo so am sad

mousebacon Sun 02-Oct-11 18:xxx:02

Just got BFP at 9dpo with FR and cb digi already says 2-3 weeks and af isn't due till tues! Woop!

Adept luck smile

Armi Sun 02-Oct-eleven 18:39:18

I got a BFP the twenty-four hours my flow was due, but missed information technology every bit I was rushing to take DH to the station. I watched the examination for a minute, thought, 'Fuck information technology, another negative' and chucked it in the bin as I foolishly idea a positive result would testify up straightaway. It was only when later elimination the bin I saw the test was positive. I thought, 'That must exist one of those evaporation lines I read about on MN.'

Information technology wasn't!

Armi Sun 02-October-xi xviii:40:10

Cutelittlecatlover Sun 02-October-11 xviii:fifty:59

First fourth dimension around I waited until my period was a calendar week belatedly and got a bfp on a sainsbury's cheapie. This fourth dimension I was only three days belatedly and got a bfp on a boots cheapie

Its better to await until you're actually late earlier you test imo, you lot tin spend a fortune on tests and drive yourself crazy otherwise (easier said than washed I know)! Practiced luck op smile

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